Bravecto Cost: Is It Worth the Price?

bravecto cost

Ever wonder why that Bravecto chewable flea pill your vet prescribed costs so much? You’re not alone. Is Bravecto really worth the high price tag, or are there more affordable alternatives that work just as well?

Before you shell out big bucks for Bravecto again, it’s worth looking at how it compares to other flea and tick meds on the market. Bravecto promises up to 12 weeks of protection with a single dose, but cheaper options may require more frequent dosing to be effective. In the end, you have to weigh the pros and cons for your own situation. Keep reading to find out if Bravecto’s convenience and potency are really worth the premium price for you and your furry friends.

Tips to Save Money on Bravecto

There are a few tips to help save money on Bravecto for your dog or cat.

Buy the largest size available

The bigger the dose, the lower the price per tablet or chew. For example, a single Bravecto chew for a dog weighing 88-123 lbs currently costs around $65, while a chew for a dog 44-88 lbs is around $55. If your pet is on the higher end of the weight range, sizing up will save you $10 or more per dose.

Shop around at different retailers

Bravecto prices can vary between vet clinics, pet stores, and online retailers. Do some comparison shopping to find the lowest price. Many sites like Chewy, PetCareRx and PetMeds frequently run promotions offering 10-30% off or $10-$20 rebates on Bravecto. Some vet clinics also price match, so check if yours offers that service.

Ask your vet about alternatives

There are other flea and tick preventatives that work similarly to Bravecto but may be more affordable, such as NexGard or Frontline. Talk to your vet about other options that could work for your pet based on their health conditions and your location. Less-expensive preventatives, while not quite as long-lasting as Bravecto, can still be effective and help you save money, especially if used year-round.

Set up automatic refills and shipping

Many pet stores and online retailers offer 5-10% off if you sign up for automatic refills and shipping of Bravecto. The product will ship automatically before your pet’s next dose is due, and the discount is applied at checkout. This is an easy way to save on a product you need to purchase regularly anyway.

Some other money-saving tips include buying Bravecto with a coupon, or asking your vet if they offer any discounts for clients on preventatives. While Bravecto is on the higher end of the price spectrum, with some savvy shopping you can lower the cost and keep your pet protected.

Is the Bravecto Cost Worth It? Our Verdict

Bravecto is not cheap, so you want to make sure the cost is worth it before purchasing for your dog or cat. The Bravecto price will depend on the exact product (for dogs, cats, size of animal, etc.), but you can expect to pay between $50 to $100+ for a 3-month supply.

Is Bravecto Worth the High Cost?

For many pet owners, Bravecto is absolutely worth the investment. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Bravecto is very effective at killing fleas and ticks. One dose can eliminate infestations and continue preventing re-infestation for 12 weeks. No more applying messy topical treatments every month.
  • Bravecto is convenient. You only have to give it once every 3 months, so it’s easy to remember and administer. Your pet will appreciate fewer vet visits and handling for treatments too.
  • Bravecto may save you money in the long run. Although the upfront cost seems high, you’re getting 3 months of protection in one dose. When compared to monthly flea and tick medications, Bravecto can be cheaper over the course of a year.
  • Bravecto has an excellent safety profile. Extensive safety studies found Bravecto to be well-tolerated with minimal side effects for most dogs and cats. As with any medication, some pets may experience side effects, so you’ll want to monitor your pet after the first dose.
  • Bravecto kills more parasites than just fleas and ticks. It is also effective against ear mites, scabies, and certain mange mites in dogs. For cats, it kills ear mites and certain mange mites.

While Bravecto cost more upfront than some other flea and tick prevention options, for many pet owners the benefits of Bravecto—convenience, broad-spectrum, long-lasting protection—make the investment worthwhile. However, you know your financial situation and your pet’s needs best. If cost is a concern, talk to your vet about more affordable alternatives, or look for Bravecto coupons and discounts to help lower the price.


So at the end of the day, is Bravecto worth the high price tag? That depends on your situation and needs. For many pet owners, the cost is well worth the peace of mind and convenience of a treatment that lasts 3 months. Not having to worry about monthly applications or remembering to re-dose your dog or cat every few weeks is a huge benefit. The time savings and reduced hassle factor alone make Bravecto attractive for lots of people. If cost is a concern, talk to your vet about ways to make Bravecto more affordable through rebates, discounts, or payment plans. Your furry family member’s health and well-being are worth the investment. While sticker shock is understandable, don’t let the upfront cost deter you from trying a product that could make life better for you and your pet. Bravecto may be expensive, but the benefits are priceless.